A photographer/ creative artist, just like other professionals, has a need for insurance services at some point. This can range from health insurance, motor insurance, or any other class of insurance. Each profession has its own unique set of needs and with photography, these needs include but are not limited to gadgets, which are not only an essential part of enabling your job but are quite often expensive, this raises the question of why not insure my gadgets? What risks would I be insuring them against? and; what are my options?.

At Picha we invited an Insurance Consultant to a Q & A session to answer all the questions you have regarding insurance covers for photographers/ creative artists.
Q: What Insurance cover options are available to creatives?
The top recommended insurance options for photographers or videographers include: All Risk: fire and burglary, these options are especially helpful in covering the various gadgets one might have as well as the General/ Public liability.
Q. What is covered under these policies?
Under All Risk, the various gadgets such as cameras, lights, stands, computers, printers, studio furniture among others are covered in the studio or at home for freelance photographers, while on the move and on the shooting site.
a) Stolen gadgets are covered.
b) Broken or damaged gadgets are covered.
c) Items leased for a shoot are also covered.
Q. What does the General/Public Liability cover?
If a photographer aka the insured is at a shoot and is sued for damages by a third party i.e. in the case where someone gets injured ,the public liability insurance will respond given that the specific package covers legal liability against the insured person for bodily injury or property damage, the claim is only activated once the injured person sues the insured. The insurance company will have to pay the award for damages issued by the court; the amount paid will however be limited to the liability limit purchased by the client.
Q. What is the Political Violence and Terrorism cover (PVT) and when does it apply?
PVT is a general exclusion under all insurance policies but the same can be purchased at an additional premium. This means one can be covered on any loss incurred in the event of a riot as long as they were not actively involved.
Q. What Is an excess limit and where does it apply?
Excess basically means, if the claim is lower than a certain amount, one cannot be compensated. There is an excess of 10% (of the total value of items) Each & Every claim Minimum Kshs. 10,000/- meaning any claim below the applicable excess is not payable.
Q. Can the Domestic Package (Home Package) be used to cover one’s gadgets?
Domestic package covers are used to cover gadgets and equipment in a person’s home such as TV’s and kitchen appliances; the cover does not extend to cover the insured items on commercial use which includes the cameras used for work therefore is not an effective way of covering one’s gadgets from potential risks.
Q. Are different covers geographically limited and If so, when and for how long do they apply?
Most of the covers offered by different agencies are limited to the East Africa Region, however, worldwide covers are available on request and at additional premium.
Q. Is the insured required to notify the insurer when they travel?
Once the details of the East Africa cover or the worldwide cover are finalised the insurer is NOT obliged to notify the company of their travels.
Q. How much premium do you consider to be a fair amount to be sufficiently covered?
There isn’t a standard figure per say, premium payable varies due to individual needs and is based on the value of items covered. This figure is calculated by valuing the items to be insured.
Q. What is the standard procedure for making a claim?
While making any claim the insured is required to fill a claim form, a police abstract from the region in which the incident occurred and photos or evidence showing force of entry in case of a break-in or fire. Other documents could vary from each insurance company and the insured is advised to contact their agency in order to have the correct documents to make a claim.
Q. What advice would you give to creatives looking for insurance cover options?
- We spend a lot of time, money and energy building our brand/ company by ensuring we have the best gadgets/ equipment for our work in the industry; don’t let the sweat, blood, and tears go down in one day in the event of a misfortune.
- Before one can go out to source for insurance, ensure you understand the terms and conditions that will come with the policy document after purchase. Understand what you are being covered to avoid purchasing the wrong type of cover and only realize it in the time of a claim.
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